Tonight was Free Burrito Night at Chipotle! We were able to receive free food for just dressing in foil from 5 p.m. until closing. I enjoyed my foil ponytail holder, foil bracelet, and foil choker. Noah was decked out with a cool foil hat. But the best family member was Clay. He was covered chest to knees in foil. He looked like a big burrito!
We enjoyed going to the same restuarant in August and received free burritoes for their back-to-school event for all Seminary students. The burritoes are HUGE! They are literally several pounds worth of food. Noah barely touched his tonight, so it looks like one of us has lunch for tomorrow as well. And the only cost of a meal for 3 (plus leftovers-not to mention a fun time!) was $1.60 at a local Family Dollar for a roll of aluminum foil!